The NeoCity Improvement District was created via Osceola County Board of County Commissioners Ordinance 2023-08 on February 6, 2023 as a dependent district to the County. The District was created with the purpose of constructing, financing, operating, and maintaining the common areas of the District and maintaining the physical structure of the reservoir located within the District. The District has the power to impose special assessments to fund District expenses but has not yet imposed an assessment.
The NeoCity Improvement District is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 189.041, Florida Statutes. Currently, the Board of Supervisors consists of the five Osceola County commissioners as dictated by the ordinance. The Board must comply with the Sunshine Law. Additional information on the Sunshine Law can be obtained from the Florida Attorney General’s website at: myfloridalegal.com/open-government.
NeoCity Improvement District Board of Supervisors
Cheryl Grieb, Chair Peggy Choudhry, Vice-Chair
Viviana Janer Brandon Arrington
Ricky Booth
District Manager
Don Fisher
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 2100
Kissimmee, FL 34741

Boundary Map

Ordinances and Resolutions
Ordinance 2023-08 creating the Improvement District.
24-002R Recommended Budget Execution – Executed Doc
NeoCity ID Resolution #24-003R Final Budget
NeoCity ID Resolution #24-004R Initial Assessment Resolution